Principal Partner to Warbirds Over Wanaka

6 September 2021

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RD Petroleum is proud to announce we are now a Principal Partner with the Southern Hemisphere’s largest Warbirds airshow – Warbirds Over Wanaka.

Air BP was the previous partner of the Airshow for 30 years, but now it’s time for RDP to step up in support.

Ed Taylor, the Warbirds Over Wanaka General Manager, said they’ve been blown away by the support from many local and regional companies following their forced cancellation of the 2020 Airshow.

He also says, “RD Petroleum will be a perfect fit for us.  Their financial support is critical to helping us put on a brilliant Airshow next Easter and we’re sure they will provide a great refuelling service for our display aircraft.”

RD Petroleum is happy to be making further commitments to the New Zealand Aviation industry and is proud to be a local company, supporting great local events.

Our CEO, Don Harvey, says, “Warbirds Over Wanaka is a great fit for us, given our Aviation Division has made a significant investment over recent years in strengthening the aviation fuelling infrastructure throughout the South Island.”

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